
Showing posts with the label Mobile Operating System OS

Introduction To Mobile Operating System.

Mobile operating system OS, as the name implies is a foundational software platform that ensures the  effective and smooth running of an hardware device.For all applications to run seamlessly,an OS is needed. A Mobile operating system OS is not necessarily considered an application simply because it manages or excecutes other applications but because it is a critical system software component. BENEFITS OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM OS Being the bedrock of our Mobile devices, Operating system OS comes with a while lots of benefits to user   It offers user-friendly interface which allows for easy navigation, simple gestures etc. For high quality photos and videos, Operating system OS includes mobile advanced camera features such as HRD. With Operating system OS on our Mobile device, connections with various accessories such as Bluetooth devices, headphones and peripheral such as input devices is granted access. Operating system OS supports location-based services, allowing ...